Stream-Friendly Designation Questionnaire

The Maurice River Watershed has remarkable water quality, abundant open space, and plentiful biodiversity: no small feat for a region in America’s most densely populated state. However, poor land-use practices can compromise the health of the watershed.

When the workings of a watershed are impaired, it causes serious problems:

  • flooding
  • water shortages
  • surface run-off
  • soil erosion
  • change in water flow
  • water contamination
  • invasion by exotic plants
  • loss of habitat
  • property damage from storm surges

The condition of streams and rivers is a reflection of the diverse land uses within the watershed. Land management decisions made on residential properties ultimately impact the health of the entire river basin and community. Poor land use leads to dirtier water, less water, and damaged habitats, while good land use has positive impacts on:

  • water quality
  • water regeneration
  • healthy habitat

This Stream-Friendly Designation Application provides active Maurice River Watershed stewards a way to have their best management practices recognized. Maybe you are already implementing eco-friendly management practices on your property and are looking to expand upon them, or maybe you are just getting started and need some ideas. Regardless of your current stewardship level, continue reading to learn how your property can earn Stream-Friendly designation.

Respond "yes" or "no" to whether you have included the actions from the following list into your management routine.

  • Each yes answer is the equivalent of one stewardship point, while no responses represent opportunities to expand on your best management practices.
Applicant Name(s)
Property Address



Do you live within the perimeters of the Maurice River Watershed shown in the below map?

If you answered yes, your residence or property is eligible for stream-friendly designation. Answer the questions below to apply.

Maurice river watershed map

1. Water Conservation Indoors and Outdoors

I preserve local drinking water reserves and aquatic habitats by…

reducing grass cover and planting native plants

watering remaining grass on an as-needed basis

watering before 9am or after sunset

checking in-ground sprinkler direction periodically

mulching and leaving grass and leaf clippings

raising lawn mower to 3-4 inches high

sweeping instead of using water to clean pathways and driveways

harvesting water in a rain barrel and using it to water plants

taking my vehicle(s) to a car wash that recycles water

replacing older fixtures with low-flow models

running only full loads in dish and clothes washers

minimizing use of garbage disposal by composting

using leftover water from boiling to water outdoors

using tap water and/or a water filter instead of buying bottled water

refrigerating water instead of running until cool

being conscious of overall water waste

fixing faucet, pipe, and toilet leaks immediately

2. Reducing Water Pollution

I reduce the amount of contamination flowing off my property by…

replacing impermeable surfaces with porous ones

lining impermeable surfaces with depressions

using landscape contours to keep storm water on my property

extending downspouts into garden beds (and/or)

using rain barrels to catch water from downspouts

maintaining the health of mature trees and extending their longevity

reducing use of fertilizers and pesticides by planting native flora

reducing lawn cover

reducing use of chemical fertilizers by testing soil before deciding on a fertilizer, calibrating spreader before each use, following label instructions, switching to organic alternatives, and cleaning spills immediately (and/or) talking with my lawn service provider about their practices and products

using integrated pest management

weeding by hand or using natural herbicides to spot treat

composting organic waste and using it to enrich soils

implementing integrated pest management to combat mosquitoes

picking up pet waste and discarding it in a trash can

avoiding the use of road salts after snowfall

monitoring my septic tank annually and servicing it every 3-5 years

reforesting my property with native trees

installing a rain garden

3. Water Quality Protection Indoors

Indoors I preserve water quality and wildlife habitat by…

using biodegradable personal hygiene products

using non-toxic home cleaning and care agents

disposing of medicines at local drop-off points

disposing of electronics at county or municipal drop-offs

disposing of hazardous waste at county or municipal hazardous waste drop-offs

4. Creating a Culture of Watershed Stewardship

I make a difference for community health by…

volunteering or donating to local watershed and environmental organizations

being an advocate for water protection with my family and acquaintances

supporting policies promoting watershed health, preservation of natural areas, and combating climate change