In 1998, in memory of CU Maurice River member, artist and art educator, Connie Jost, the CU Maurice River Board of Trustees has established a scholarship fund in the amount of $500-1000 for an artist-student who will be attending a college or school of art. The applicant must be a senior in high school in Cumberland County, NJ or a high school within the Maurice River Watershed and have a recommendation from his or her art teacher. Ideally the applicant’s artwork should demonstrate a respect and concern for the open space or unique environment of our county. This can be demonstrated in a variety of ways.
The applicant’s submission should include:
- A portfolio or examples of artwork (up to 6 pieces)
- A personal statement of art and concern for nature (maximum 1 page)
- An admission to an art school or college (if applicant has been notified)
- A copy of high school academic record
- A recommendation of art teacher (maximum of 1 page)
CU Maurice River members are involved in a wide variety of projects and activities that cover all aspects of watershed protection. CU Maurice River is committed to the mission of preservation and protection and focuses its activities on achieving these goals. The officers and trustees of CU Maurice River recognize the powerful advocacy role art plays in preserving our natural heritage. The appreciation of the aesthetic values of our surroundings has always contributed to their stewardship. NJN and CU Maurice River have co-produced a movie documentary short entitled Constance Jost 1951-1998. It is a wonderful salute to Connie Jost in which artist Tricia Dufford, long-time Director of the Jost Scholarship, gives insight into artist’s motivations. The documentary includes actual footage of Connie Jost.
Applications are received between April 1- April 31 of the student’s senior year of high school.
Scholarships are distributed after the completion of the first semester of college.
Applications are available through high school art teachers or by contacting The application deadline is April 31 each year. Anyone who wishes to donate money toward the Connie Jost Memorial Art Scholarship Fund can do so simply by sending a check written to Citizens United marked “Jost Scholarship.”