Sarracenia purpurea
Purple pitcherplant

Sarracenia purpurea
Sarracenia purpurea
Photo Courtesy Renee Brecht
Britton & Brown
Botanical name: Sarracenia purpurea
Common name: Purple pitcherplant
Group: dicot
Family: Sarraceniaceae
Growth type: forb/herb
Duration: perennial
Origin: native
Plant height: 8-24"
Foliage: Evergreen hollow pitcher shaped leaves, varying from bright yellow-green to dark purple, often with a strong red venation. 
Flower: dark red to purplish red, 2" across
Flowering time: May to mid June; fruits July to August
Habitat: wet acid ground of sphagnum bogs, cedar swamps
Range in New Jersey: throughout the Pine barrens, and north Jersey
Heritage ranking, if any: n/a
Misc.: Sarracenia, named for Dr. Michel Sarrasin de l'Etang, 1659-1734, physician at the Court of Quebec, who sent our northern species to Europe (Fernald, 729-see Sources link). Purpurea, "purple".

Sarracenia is a carnivorous plant. Insects become trapped in the pitcher-shaped leaves and drown in the rainwater that collects in the base of the leaf. Stiff, downward facing hairs make it virtually impossible for the insects to climb up the wall of the plant to escape. Besides insects, it also can capture and digest  isopods, mites, and spiders.