Rhododendron atlanticum
dwarf azalea

Rhododendron atlanticum
Photo Courtesy Renee Brecht
Botanical name: Rhododendron atlanticum
Common name: dwarf azalea
Group: monocot
Family: Ericaceae
Growth type: shrub
Duration: perennial
Origin: native
Plant height: 3 - 6'
Foliage: blueish green with hairy midribs
Flower: white, sometimes blushed with pink, 1 - 1.5" across
Flowering Time: May; may bloom again in autumn
Habitat: wet areas, bogs and riversides
Range in New Jersey: Salem and Cumberland counties noted in  Hough; Snyder reports Cape May County as well
Heritage ranking, if any: S1, E, LP, HL
Misc. New Jersey is the northern range of this plant. It is a deciduous species.
It was first collected in 1743 by John Clayton, when herbarium specimens were sent to the British Museum. It was not properly classified until 1913.
Does not always flower, and is stoliniferous.