Hypericum hypericoides (L.) Crantz ssp. hypericoides
St. Andrew's Cross

Hypericum hypericoides (L.) Crantz ssp. hypericoides
Hypericum hypericoides (L.) Crantz ssp. hypericoides
Britton & Brown
Botanical name: Hypericum hypericoides (L.) Crantz ssp. hypericoides
Common name: St. Andrew's Cross
Group: dicot
Family: Clusiaceae
Growth type: sub-shrub, shrub
Duration: perennial
Origin: native
Plant height: to 11-1/2"
Foliage: leaves narrowly oblong, not clasping, opposite
Flower: 1/2-1" wide; 4 petals, yellow,  forming an oblique cross; 2 styles
Flowering time: flowers early July to early September; fruits early September through autumn
Habitat: dry sandy soil
Range in New Jersey: coastal plain and throughout the Middle, Cape May, Coast, and Pine Barren districts.
Heritage ranking, if any: n/a
Misc. Its common name refers to the petals which make a cross similar to the cross of Saint Andrew the Apostle, patron saint of Scotland, Russia, and Greece.

It has also been used medicinally. For more information, see the USDA pdf