Amelanchier arborea
common serviceberry, shadbush

Amelanchier arborea
Photo courtesy Renee Brecht
Botanical name: Amelanchier arborea (Michx. f.) Fernald
Common name: common serviceberry, shadbush
Group: dicot
Family: Rosaceae
Growth type: tree/shrub
Duration: perennial
Origin: native
Plant height: 15 - 25'
Foliage: deciduous, alternate, simple leaves, glabrous above, pubescent and paler beneath, finely toothed
Flower: white straplike petals, 5 petals, slightly fragrant, 2-4", pendulous elongated clusters, generally before leaves appear.
Flowering time: mid-late April
Habitat: rich, dry and often rocky, limestone ground of woods and shaded edges, slopes
Range in New Jersey: throughtout NJ; less common on the Coastal Plain
Heritage ranking, if any: n/a
Misc. According to the USDA, at least 40 species of birds eat the fruit of Amelanchier species, including cedar waxwings, cardinals, towhees, mockingbirds, and Baltimore orioles.

A. arborea  can be distinguished by the pubescent emerging leaves, greenish-yellow buds, and pendulous fruit.

Called "shadbush" to coincide with the beginning of shad fishing.

Edible berries (also called juneberries) resemble blueberries in size and color and are used in jams and pies. Recipes for cookies, creme pie and pancakes made with Juneberries here and Juneberry pie